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SculpSure Info



Transform your body with SculpSure, the first non-invasive laser treatment that actually contours your shape and reduces fat, leaving you with the curves you’ve always wanted.

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*Individual results may vary

FDA Cleared Treatment

No Surgery

No Downtown

Just Results



What is it?

SculpSure is a non-invasive laser that targets unwanted fat cells, leaving you with a smooth, contoured look in the areas you want it most. SculpSure can help you slim down in a variety of trouble spots, including the belly, love handles, back, and thighs.   

How Does it work?

We use laser technology to penetrate the skin in the treatment area and destroy fat cells, without damaging the surrounding tissue, in as little as 25 minutes. You can resume normal daily activities immediately and see a significant fat reduction in 6-12 weeks after treatments. 

Is it Right for Me?

SculpSure is designed to reduce those stubborn areas of fat when you can’t get results with diet and exercise alone. During your free consultation, we review each patient’s history, including fitness plan, diet and long-term goals, before determining if SculpSure is right for you.  

 *Individual Results May Vary

What Happens during a SculpSure Treatment?

When you visit Dr. Brown, you’ll be comforted by the welcoming vibe before you’re taken into a private room. Once there, Dr. Brown sets up the SculpSure laser and prepares your treatment area, ensuring you’re relaxed. Once treatment begins, you may feel a cooling sensation: This is normal and keeps the skin comfortable and protected during the procedure. The SculpSure treatments average just 25 minutes and allow you to immediately return to your normal daily activities. With no downtime, many women have achieved a toned and beautiful body over a single lunch break.  



Leon Brown, MD
7610 Carroll Avenue, Suite 460
Takoma Park, MD 20912
Phone: 301-359-1546

telehealth & in-office visits

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